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hi nimbuzz team
my jid user@nimbuzz.comblockedplease unblock my jid
1. Nimbuzz Username=ids wch has been blocked
2. Old Password=last pasword before blocked
3. Old Email=registerd mail id
4.Old Phone No.=registered mobile no.
5. Names of Chatroom which you mostly Join & in which you are Owner=rum name in wch ur dat idwas owner
6.Month & Year when you registered in Nimbuzz Approximately =months n year when u made dat id
7. You Total contact List Approximately =total no. of contacts ad list
8. Phone Model Are You Using=phone modle in wch u used dat id
9. Imei Number Of Your Mobile phone= imei no. of ur mobile
(Press *#06# in mobile to see your imei number)
10. Date & Time when your Lost Your NImbuzz Id.=aprox date n time whn ur id was bloked
Reason, how you Lost Your Password=blocked my jid
contact nimbuzz wth dis details hope u get ur ids back...

Send an e-mail to support@nimbuzz.comwiththese details: Hi nimbuzz team
my jid user@nimbuzz.comisblocked, please unblock my jid 1. Nimbuzz Username=ids wch has been blocked
2. Old Password=last pasword before blocked
3. Old Email=registerd mail id
4.Old Phone No.=registered mobile no.
5. Names of Chatroom which you mostly Join & in which you are Owner=rum name in wch
ur dat idwas owner 6.Month & Year when you registered in Nimbuzz Approximately =months n year when u
made dat id
7. You Total contact List Approximately =total no. of contacts ad list
8. Phone Model Are You Using=phone modle in wch u used dat id
9. Imei Number Of Your Mobile phone= imei no. of ur mobile (Press *#06# in mobile to see
your imei number) 10. Date & Time when your Lost Your NImbuzz Id.=aprox date n time whn ur id was bloked
Reason, how you Lost Your Password=blocked my jid Copy this Msg:
Send an e-mail to support@nimbuzz.comwiththese details:
Hi nimbuzz team
my jid user@nimbuzz.comisblocked, please unblock my jid
1. Nimbuzz Username=ids wch has been blocked
2. Old Password=last pasword before blocked
3. Old Email=registerd mail id
4.Old Phone No.=registered mobile no.
5. Names of Chatroom which you mostly Join & in which you are Owner=rum name in wch ur dat idwas owner
6.Month & Year when you registered in Nimbuzz Approximately =months n year when u made dat id
7. You Total contact List Approximately =total no. of contacts ad list
8. Phone Model Are You Using=phone modle in wch u used dat id
9. Imei Number Of Your Mobile phone= imei no. of ur mobile
(Press *#06# in mobile to see your imei number)
10. Date & Time when your Lost Your NImbuzz Id.=aprox date n time whn ur id was bloked
Reason, how you Lost Your Password=blocked my jid

copy mail id coppy format 1 copy format2
. Home your block id backFollow @nimbuzzmasters
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my nimbuzz id !redlove!@nc

Source: Google news
[call !redlove!]

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